Great location and free advice, ee-i-ee-io Austin American-Statesman (subscription), TX - May 12, 2007 Ott, who works the hotel desk when he's not giving out game show advice, holds a nightly free coaching session for would-be "Price is Right" contestants. ...
Insure, ski and explore, Australia - May 12, 2007 Choose the right travel policy for your needs and destination. Here's some advice from the Australian Consumers Association. ...
5 ways to get an upgrade MSNBC - May 11, 2007 My longtime advice has been to use your miles or points for upgrades, not for cheap tickets and hotel rooms. To my mind, the upgrades give far greater value ...
Change Type Size AZ, AZ - May 11, 2007 A New York hotel is wooing bachelorettes with a package that includes a chat with a sex therapist. For $895 to $995 per person, gal-pals can have "cocktails ...
Parents to launch global fund for Maddy Times Online, UK - May 12, 2007 Mark Warner sends customers security advice with their travel brochure, but the only recommendation is that valuables are left at reception. ...
Health Matters Wall Street Journal - 20 hours ago And because women typically have regular contact with the pediatrician and their own obstetricians and gynecologists, they can ask for advice and referrals ...
the Remarkable Efforts of "American Voices" eJazzNews, Canada - May 12, 2007 In February of 2007, Ferguson brought American Voices into the heart of Baghdad for a historic concert held at the Al Rasheed Hotel and sponsored by the US ...
What to do if you get bumped Newsday, NY - May 10, 2007 Out came three tickets -- one for the next flight to MacArthur the following day, a second entitling me to a hotel accommodation for the night and a third ...
Traveling solo? Here's some advice Bellevue Leader, NE - Apr 16, 2007 Ask for directions - Before you set out from your hotel, ask the concierge or other hotel staff for directions to the places you plan to visit each day. ...
I’d like to be a speaker RDH, OK - May 11, 2007 By the time you retrieve your luggage, get a cab to the hotel, check in, and get to your room, it’s 1:30 am You get into bed around 2 am, ...
| | How To Get The Best Cruise Deals, FL - May 7, 2007 "Royal Caribbean announced about a year ago that they are going to build a ship over 200000 tons," said Stewart Chiron, a travel agent who specializes in ...
Affordable Health Care, NC - May 11, 2007 In some places a medical procedure can cost as little as one-tenth of the same treatment in the US Add in airfare, hotel stays, meals - even extra vacation ...
 Leamington Observer | Blossom Street Singers. (s) Leamington Observer, UK - May 11, 2007 Gardening help and advice will be on hand froma well known gardening expert. Sherbourne Park gardens and grounds open Children’s entertainment, refreshments ...
If you want to bring your dog Columbia Missourian, MO - May 9, 2007 If you’re planning to take your pooch on an outdoor adventure or simply on an exploration of a city you’ve never visited, make sure you keep Gafke’s advice ...
Iraq: A foreigner in the axis of evil (giveaway) New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - May 7, 2007 All I want to do is find a hotel and get some sleep. Next morning Husni, whom I seem to have engaged as a driver, is there and ready to go at 7am. We travel ...
Race is on to book Beijing hotel rooms Daily Times, Pakistan - Apr 19, 2007 City officials say they will not restrict hotel profits, and standard rooms being cited by travel agents surpass $325 a night at some 3-star hotels to ...
Keyword Confusion | By Peter M. Ripin Hospitality Net - May 1, 2007 Under this scenario, a hotel is more likely to prevail in an action against its competitor than against an online travel agent who is reselling its rooms. ...
Budget hotel secures $136m finance AME Info, United Arab Emirates - May 3, 2007 The National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Emirates Bank have arranged $136m finance for the UK's Premier Travel Inn. The hotel chain is developing three budget ...
Race is on to book Beijing hotel rooms Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Apr 18, 2007 City officials say they will not restrict hotel profits, and standard rooms being cited by travel agents surpass $325 a night at some three-star hotels to ...
Inflation Hits The American Vacation TheDay, CT - Apr 29, 2007 But thanks to a couple of online tricks, solid advice from travel agents, and some clever strategies of their own, they're putting up a good fight. ...
 Scotsman | Be prepared and relax on holiday Scotsman, UK - May 3, 2007 A spokesman from STA Travel says: "Plan a rough route before you go. Be aware of trouble spots and check with the Foreign and Commonwealth Travel Advice ...
Travel news in brief San Jose Mercury News, CA - Apr 15, 2007 ... the site offers advice from an advisory panel of seasoned female travelers, and will soon offer tips and experiences from customers. Its hotel partner ...
Bucking the Old Trend: Area Tourism Needs 'Action' Mackinac Island Town Crier (subscription), MI - May 10, 2007 This was the first time the group of historians, travel experts, and preservationists has met on the Island, and approximately 250 people attended the ...
Guest Review of the Nickelodeon Hotel by Wayne About - News & Issues, NY - May 4, 2007 My advice is the same advice I regret ignoring from a friend who had just come back - forget it, the kids will be happy anywhere and the place is NOWHERE ...
In NYC, have confidence, cash, FL - May 6, 2007 What is the best way to get from the airport to the hotel? If the answer is a taxi, please give me some advice on how not to get scammed. ...
Traveling Light: A Green Guide Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Apr 19, 2007 "But if you want to travel with a clean conscience, it's the best thing available." His advice: look for companies that have expanded beyond tree planting ...
Cheap Travel Cheat Sheet Motley Fool - Apr 17, 2007 You may save more by using your points to pay for a hotel room. And if you're just short of qualifying for a freebie, check out to see if you can ...
TripAdvisor Travelers Keen on Going Green PR Newswire (press release), NY - Apr 17, 2007 Thirty-eight percent of travelers surveyed have stayed at an environmentally-friendly hotel, and nine percent specifically seek out environmentally-friendly ...
TripAdvisor Travelers Keen on Going Green PR Newswire (press release), NY - Apr 17, 2007 Rolling Out the Green Carpet Thirty-eight percent of travelers surveyed have stayed at an environmentally-friendly hotel, and nine percent specifically seek ...
Connecting The Dots With A Global Marketplace MediaPost Publications, New York - May 3, 2007 Travelers went to the local travel agents and the travel agents acted as the channel for the information from various airlines, cruise lines, hotel chains ...
David's Marathon Blog Boston, MA - 7 hours ago I met my family at the Lenox Hotel. Keep walking, do a short interview with Mike Lynch. Keep walking. I walked to the car parked in the South End. I was ...
Elevated highway and alternatives The News - International, Pakistan - May 5, 2007 Fifteen years back, as founding chairman of an NGO I told the Karachi Building Control Authority at a seminar in Metropole Hotel that houses located two ...
Morning business news - May 2, Ireland - May 2, 2007 Mr Nolan said would try to reduce the number of searches necessary for people to book a hotel to just one site. He said the company would make money ...
Hawks' cure for travel sickness Fox Sports, Australia - Apr 26, 2007 We initially stayed at a hotel that had a pub next to it that had bottle clearing at 3am, so we have moved. We now stay out of Launceston and commute to the ...
Go on, make mum's day Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - May 4, 2007 Lounge at the hotel's chic rooftop pool, which offers incredible views of Manhattan, or shop at nearby designer boutiques such as Stella McCartney. ...
Save money by booking your holiday online Computeractive, UK - Apr 20, 2007 Hotels are notoriously tricky to book online, with rates for the same room varying wildly from site to site, and the hotel’s site rarely offers the best ...
 Travel News | Browsing Brits miss flights in May Travel News, England - May 3, 2007 Although local delicacies account for 68 per cent of overseas purchases, a third of people polled by said they bought fridge magnets from their ...
Safety an issue for women, FL - Apr 29, 2007 Women are a big part of the reason that a typical hotel room has better bedding, lighting, room service, closets, work spaces and overall design. ...
A holiday within a holiday Today's Zaman, Turkey - Apr 29, 2007 Taking the coastal route meant that we were able to stop off for lunch at the hotel owned by one of my friends and have a (very) quick peek at the area ...
 Santa Fe New Mexican | A troubled land Santa Fe New Mexican, NM - Apr 29, 2007 Later that night, it didn't even seem that weird when Bill Slate, the director, paid the chief of the Butembo police force $20 to handcuff Seth in the hotel ...
| makes an online return Web User, UK - May 1, 2007 Visitors can share views and advice on hotels, bars, restaurants and sightseeing and book accomodation directly with a hotel's website.
 Ceylon Daily News | Don’t forsake Sri Lanka Ceylon Daily News, Sri Lanka - Apr 29, 2007 The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been more realistic in its travel advice, strongly warning against any trips to the north and east but not ...
Findlay Connector not in fast lane Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - May 10, 2007 It will be mostly light-industrial space, taking advantage of the three-minute drive to the airport, with some retail, restaurant and hotel space. ...
Stronger pound set to fuel tourism bonanza Financial Times, UK - Apr 20, 2007 With New York hotel prices now pushing £100 a night for even a three-star room, agents also report an increase in travel to other US cities. ...
Travel Industry Discounts On Greek Island Cruising e-Travel Blackboard (press release), Australia - Apr 16, 2007 Terms & Conditions: *Minimum additional purchase of 1 night's Athens accommodation and transfer from hotel to port is required to qualify for these fares. ...
Following a new flight path Financial Times, UK - May 4, 2007 Some 350000 flights and 220000 hotel nights are booked through the scheme every year. While its rewards are generally travel-orientated, Airmiles can also ...
Old-World Charm Meets Modern Luxury Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Apr 19, 2007 A 10-issue subscription is £275 in the UK or £295 outside the UK, and includes a members' Web site, personalized travel advice and emailed newsletters. ...
Women travelers' concerns bring benefits for all Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Apr 16, 2007 "We do take notes and we talk, and we do make most of the buying decisions in business and personal travel," Ameche said. "The hotel experience got a lot ...
Tango and cash Orange County Register, CA - Apr 29, 2007 (Note: Hotel personnel advise visitors to stick to "radio taxis," identifiable by their roof lights and door markings. Finding them wasn't difficult.) ...
 Malaysia Star | A dash of Floyd Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Apr 21, 2007 Floyd is a fan of the food of the region and this has prompted him to open Floyd’s Brasserie at Burasari Hotel in Phuket’s Patong Beach, Thailand. ...
Tips for Your Summer Trip to Europe Kansas City infoZine, MO - Apr 23, 2007 But if you plan to go city to city, hotel to hotel, you have options. Sometimes it's helpful to be able to put everything you own on your back - long ...
Power Trips for Tots Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Apr 20, 2007 They set off on the trip with plans to go whitewater rafting and watch an erupting volcano, but just getting to the hotel became an ordeal. ...
Do your homework before you venture out Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Apr 29, 2007 Several friends and family members have approached me asking that I use their Web sites to make my airline, hotel or car rental reservations. ...
Overview Of The Duty To Defend In Illinois Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - May 11, 2007 Ins. Co., 473 NE2d 405 (Ill. App. 1984), an architectural and engineering partnership was sued by the owner of a hotel, who alleged that the partnership ... |